The skin eruption is of value in suggesting the diagnosis . 皮肤疹对揭示诊断是有价值的。
The skin eruption became persistent and spread to involve her whole face 皮疹持续不退,并播散到她的面部。
" characterized by skin eruptions “病症是皮肤出疹
A blood and kidney cleaner and tonic , as well as a diuretic , it helps clear up acne , eczema , and other skin eruptions 蒲公英茶有清理体内及血液废物的作用,有利尿、利肝、利胆及净化血液功效。
Contacts with the ill child after february 23 ( the day before the child ' s first possible skin eruption ) or with the father while he was home on leae between february 16 and 20 included 23 family members ( 2 siblings ) and 73 healthcare workers 2月23日(患儿首发可能的皮疹出现前的一天)后与患儿接触或2月16日到20日之间患儿父亲休假在家期间与他接触共有23个家族成员( 2个同胞)和73个医疗保健工作者。
Contacts with the ill child after february 23 ( the day before the child ' s first possible skin eruption ) or with the father while he was home on leave between february 16 and 20 included 23 family members ( 2 siblings ) and 73 healthcare workers 2月23日(患儿首发可能的皮疹出现前的一天)后与患儿接触或2月16日到20日之间患儿父亲休假在家期间与他接触共有23个家族成员( 2个同胞)和73个医疗保健工作者。
eruption on the skin occurring as a symptom of a disease 同义词:exanthem, exanthema,